Teoria de Mc Clelland

Mc clellan in order to understand the motivation it classified the necessities in three categories:

Affiliation: Desire to have friendly and near interpersonal relations, to be member of a group, they like to be habitually popular, the contact with the others, they do not feel comfortable with the individual work and it pleases to him to work in group and to help another people.

to be able(power): Necessity to influence and to control to other people and groups, and to obtain recognition on the part of them. The motivated people for this reason they like that it considers them important, and wish to acquire prestige and status progressively.

It is the impulse to excel, to be successful. It takes to the individuals to dominate themselves they themselves high goals that to reach. These people have a great necessity to develop activities, but very little to affiliate itself with other people. The moved people for this reason have desire of the excellence, bet by the made affluent work, accept responsibilities and need feedback constant on their performance